PRESSURE IS A PRIVILEGE 43-3 (8-0 IN 2020; 8-0 IN 2021; 9-0 IN 2022; 8-2 IN 2023; 10-1 IN 2024) DIVISION 1 - 13U STATE CHAMPIONS!!!
The 2025 Spring Football Season is upon us! You are being invited to play with the Fleming Island Dreadnaughts this spring! This league offers our players a chance to compete for a State Championship and play high quality teams and talent from all around the state of Florida. You may have heard spring referred to as “travel ball” and that is partially true! Please note there are other teams from our area that participate so our games in the regular season should remain against more local and regional teams. At times we may travel to locations/teams that may be an hour away. Later in the season, particularly during the playoffs, we will have the fortune of traveling further to Daytona, Orlando and Tampa areas and this will just depend upon how deep we go in the quest for a State Championship. This becomes a very exciting time and develops into a platform to create experience and memories for our players that most players never get. (BUT we must earn it in the regular season first).
More Info Regarding the 2025 Season:
Age groups: 6U, 8U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U and 14U. (The birthday cutoff to determine age bracket is July 31, 2024). For clarity if your son is currently 13 BUT turned 13 after July 31st this year (2024) he is eligible to play 12U.
Initial Practices: We will host our first two practices/tryouts on January 12th and 19th at Thunderbolt Park (next to the Fleming Island Library). These practices will both be on a Sunday. Attire will be shorts and cleats (no pads/helmets) and give us a chance to meet and greet and set the tone for our first padded practice and season. We will be focused more on agility rather than physical drills these two practices. More details to follow. If sign ups exceed the number of spots on each team we will treat these first practices as tryouts. If a player is not selected for the team we will fully refund the $125 registration fee.
Regular Season Practices: Padded practices will start the last week of January. We will practice three days a week. These are mandatory for players as we cannot compete at a high level without that level of dedication and full participation from players, coaches, and families.
Registration: There are two fees for spring ball (described below)
Initial Fee: $125 as described above and due by tryouts! (Completely refunded if you son does not make the team)
Final League Registration: You will be able to register your son through the league website. That cost is $170 per player paid and due by February 15th,
Registration covers:
Uniforms ++: The cost for equipment (rental of helmets and shoulder pads from FIYSA), uniforms (you keep these!), film (you keep), and leasing of the practice facility will be rolled into one fee per player. We will need to place uniform orders early enough to receive them for our jamborees therefore no late payments will be accepted for this. This payment should be made online under the "Registration Info" tab.
Games: Regular Season games start February 22, 2025 with the regular season being played every Saturday through March 29, 2025.
Post Season: Immediately following the Regular Season, the Post Season is a series of single elimination playoff games culminating into an incredible final game on April 26-27 2025. (Final 4 and State Championship).
Team Colors/Uniforms: We are developing our 2025 uniform mockup this week and anticipate having navy and white reversible jerseys. We will be using navy pants (all provided) as our standard. At some point we expect to bust out a “white out game” and use our white tops with new white pants. This may be a playoff game down the road. Please keep this quiet for now. This must be earned. Tights, socks, compression shirts etc. on game day must be either navy, white or gold. Cleats may be any color.
Visors: This league does allow for visors (clear or tented). These are up to you.
Playtime: Strictly earned. All players will receive coaching and development throughout the entire season. On game day players will only receive the playtime they have earned that week at practice. Unlike our fall Pop Warner season there are no minimum plays for players on game day. Earning playtime does include betting their own teammates (family) through competition at practice and ultimately illustrating to his coaches that he gives the team best option to win. No player will ever be criticized by the team for any lack of playtime and will continually be encouraged by our staff to earn it. Its our goal that by the end every single player has gotten better, is a State Champion and is battle tested for the fall and his next level of play.
Register Here: